What made this stay so special for us was the ability to use the facilities in the Pub & Restaurant. Everything was organised for us. This added real value, with free internet access and the pool table which was used by all of our party, we were able to use the restaurant when we had guests to provide catering - which was excellent. All the children have said what a great time they had which, as any parent will tell you, is the basis of a great holiday.
The Black Family 50th birthday celebration

A lovely double bedroom with rear aspects over the courtyard. This is a comfortable room with period cornice and good light from the sliding sash window, complete with mirrored tall-boy wardrobe and a chest of drawers. Just down the landing from the shared designer bathroom, this is a great room for adults or children, or as a guest bedroom should you be expecting others during your stay.
Please note that all rooms at Culzean House are strictly no smoking.