Culzean House

Fishing & Angling

Christmas at Culzean

Christmas at Culzean

Culzean is perfect for Christmas with friends and family more>

Our stay was excellent with the accommodation being of a very high standard and in a fantastic setting. We made good use of the large garden and both adults and children used the hot-tub for star-gazing in the evening and watching the deer and stags in the adjoining Deer Park. Thanks again - we had a great time.

Robert & Julia Black

There are a variety of angling opportunities available from running to stillwater, Rainbow Trout to Salmon. It's all there and waiting for your visit...Tight lines and good luck to all anglers!

All of the waters listed are managed by the Dunoon and District Angling Club (DDAC). The DDAC is a friendly local club with an emphasis on providing quality fishing in a relaxing environment. The club and its members are very hardworking and knowledgeable and regular working parties are held to improve banksides, clean litter and improve spawning habitats. You will find that club members are very approachable and helpful. Permits for all DDAC waters and a good selection of fly fishing tackle is available from:

Purdies, 112 Argyll Street, Dunoon, Argyll, PA23 7NE

Telephone: 01369 70 3232

Loch Loskin

Loch Loskin, Dunoon


Dunoon Reservoir - A 5 acre reservoir situated in natural woodland near to Dunoon. Stocked with hard fighting Rainbow Trout of a good average size. Fly fishing only. There are a limited number of daily permits. Pre-booking is advisable.

Loch Loskin - A 6 acre lochan located on the A885 Sandbank Road just outside of Dunoon. Stocked with high quality Brown Trout which supplement indigenous wild fish. Occasional Sea Trout are present in the loch later in the season. Fly fishing by boat (3 available) only.

Loch Tarsan - A 273 acre upland loch situated by the side of the B838 which is a short drive from Dunoon. Stocked with quality Brown Trout of a generous average size which respond to a variety of methods. There is an abundance of bank fishing available or the choice of 4 boats available to hire for traditional loch style fishing in superb scenery.

River Massan

River Massan, Benmore


River Massan - A tributary of the River Echaig located in the scenic Massan Valley. The river provides a variety of pools, glides, broken water, gorges and falls for the angler. There is a healthy population of Brown Trout present. Salmon and Sea Trout are also present in the system from June onwards during spate conditions. Challenging fly fishing with worm and spinning also permitted.

River Cur - DDAC have access to a pleasant stretch of this river located at the northern end of Loch Eck just to the side of the A815. Tree lined pools and glides containing some lovely Brown Trout provide consistent sport. Sea Trout and occasional Salmon are also present in this stretch of river from June onwards following favourable weather conditions. Fly fishing highly recommended. Worm and spinning also permitted.

River Finnart - A lovely small spate river that runs into Loch Long near Ardentinny. Good fishing exists with some fine pools and runs from the Estuary up to the Warden's markers. Fishing with a fly is challenging due to overhanging trees and bank side vegetation in some areas. There is a good population of native wild Brown Trout. This river also has good runs of Sea Trout and occasional Salmon following summer rain. Fly fishing, worm and spinning permitted.

River Ruel - A super stretch of this fine river is available for fly fishing which is situated approximately 20 miles from Dunoon. Fishy, foamy pools and slow deep runs await anglers who make the trip over to Glendaruel. The river offers a good chance of a Sea Trout or Salmon to a carefully presented fly in the right conditions in late Summer or early Autumn.Migratory fish runs on this river are now improving after lengthy, dedicated conservation work carried out by local bailiffs and club members. Fly fishing only.

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